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Me purchasing a treadmill might be a surprise to everyone, including me. Most who know me know how often I’ve expressed that I don’t run. Hell, I don’t even walk.

I love spin. I’ve been rocking with my @onepeloton bike since 2017. And I enjoy strength training.

But for whatever reason I got it in my head that I should at least try out the treadmill. Equal parts curiosity and seeking a new challenge and modality.

I purchased my @onepeloton Tread last fall. And 8 weeks ago I began their You Can Run training program. Perfect for someone like me who has never run before (unless being chased!).

This morning I completed the final class, conquering 30-minutes of running. So I guess I get to say, I Can Run!

I’ve enjoyed the journey and learned so much about the mechanics of running: pace, form, cadence, speed, and endurance.

I’m proud of myself for being open to a new challenge and trying something outside of my comfort zone.

Lessons learned or re-learned : Endurance over speed. Discipline over motivation. Curiosity over comfort.

Can’t wait to take this outside for a 5K run!